Characteristics and functionalities

Records of sales and products:
each sale is entered and every commercialized or installed product is registered to the corresponding client or contact. These records are also integrated to billing systems, facilitating administrative tasks.

Call center integration:
Deploys contact screen in case it recognizes the number where the call is coming from and allows calls to be made from MVD CRM

Campaign generation
allows the definition of a marketing campaign, selecting contacts and clients of the same, executing it (through telephone calls, mailing, etc) and evaluating results through reports.

Collaborates with response efficiency
measuring capacity of response is a fundamental factor in client attentions. MVD CRM collaborates in this task by controlling maximum response time for each case that is assigned to a user or group of users and issues alerts to supervisors in predefined times.

Allows process definition:
Every company has activities that are carried out in a determined order, with a specific end and which imply the responsibility of different work teams or people. Formalizing these processes in a system contributes to the efficiency of the work.

Data grouped in variety of filters.
You can obtain information by agent, by case status or by type of interaction, by periods, by campaign etc. With a variety of available reports that can be useful for decision making.

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